As far as I am existing in this world, I know that there are certain factors that affect my being as a person than can then influence also to other beings, to certain situations, and to the world. Consequently, these factors that I am pointing about are some things that I possess, things which are unusual innate ability in some field or activity. For short, these things are my talents.

During my High School life, I had passed already a lot of activities and performances that I had executed, practiced, trained, and achieved about extracurricular activities and those are folkdance, dance sport, song writing workshop, organ and keyboard playing, modelling, painting and landscape workshop, seminars and trainings, Journalism, Drama Fest and news casting. Thus, I am so very delighted to be blessed with these talents that I have. Subsequently, I am now in college and I thus put my focus more on my academics and what I have something to be called good quality of talent which is something I can contribute to the community is my talent in music, song composition, choral teaching & singing, and vocal solo training. I can say that I am good in this field for I have background in music which I had studied many years ago in Yamaha School of Music and I further have an experience of good quality singing for I had undergone a well-trained vocalization and guidance on singing coached by one of special and professional musician priest. I don’t know why for a certain that I have this kind of talent.

When I was in my grade 2 or 3, it was just in a sudden that my mother inquired me to study in a school of music for me to discover this kind of field. Well, since I was just wondering if what it would be and what can this contribute to my existence, I tried to study in that school and I had encountered a lot of experiences with my teacher. I studied there for almost years of two and a half and I had undergone two recitals. I stopped studying in there maybe because all I thought the more that in my elementary education, I found myself somewhat weird and unusual whenever there is discussion in music for I had a lot of knowledge already in that subject and accordingly in those times, I don’t want to feel somewhat like weird like this. Later, I stopped my schooling in Yamaha School of Music. Time passed and I entered seminary. In my Pre-College Formation years, I was persuaded to play the organ for our spiritual activities and other musical events. Furthermore, I was coached for my contest in Vocal Solo Pop by a certain professional. And as time goes by, I have noticed that I have discovered that I am utilizing my forte in music and as a result, I have taught various choirs in the archdiocese including the seminary, became instrumentalist in several choir and band, taught vocalists, composed songs proper, responsorial psalm, and some religious songs, taught somebody to play keyboard, and educated the young about music.  

I found music is somewhat significant in my life and I have realized a lot about liturgical music and the musicianship of the various parish choirs of the archdiocese. Thus, music really builds my being on how to share what I have as a gift for other people and as a gift for me. Presently, I am now a MusicCom in our community and I have such resolution for myself and for the community that I must sincerely respond very actively to this field by putting my passion, talent, and time to the extent of my potential.

By Alan Christian T. Tabaosares     


Every individual has his/her own uniqueness. Each has the things they are good at. This is not just by birth but by passion and thorough practice. It is about hard work and perseverance. It may not be as easy as we think of but due to great dedication, it is made possible. That’s why as we see in the news, many people shine because of the things they are good and talented. What we work hard for is worth it. How happy are we when we achieved the things that we can be good at and they are at hand already? Through these things we are good at, we can make the world go round and see it in a wider view. We can also see that life is more than that.

The things that I will share in this paper are things I have a more know-how and can be considered as what I am good at. I am good at swimming, gardening and basketball. First, I am good at swimming. Why is it that I’m good in swimming? It is because I work hard for it and I have a passion on this sport. When I swim, I make dive first and as I dive I glide. This glide last for few seconds in order that the strokes will be less and it is a good tactic. I also manage my energy in order that I may not be tired soon. When I sense that my opponents has an advantage, I make my strokes faster and in that way I can make an advantage for my opponent is already tired. As I reach the end of the pool, I do the “bubbles” in order that I can breathe well without panting. There are 4 basic strokes in this sport namely: breast stroke, back stroke, butterfly and freestyle, in these four, I can give more in freestyle. It is the common thing but can also be difficult do well.

Secondly, I am good at gardening. I am good at it because I practiced for it. When I was 3rd year and 4th year high school, agriculture is my major. It is also because that is the easiest thing I can do. When I plant something I make sure that everything that I need is set. I take care of my plants as I planted it. I look at it every day to observe its growth. I provide fertilizer if I see that my plant is thin. I also make sure that my plants have a good place where the sunlight can be. If it is a vegetable I don’t sell it but I cooked it or I give it to others.

Lastly, I have know-how in basketball. Since high school, I started to practice playing basketball. Every day I go the basketball court just to play basketball. Sometimes I was scolded because I played without shoes. However, I continue to play basketball even if I gain some pains sometimes. The experience of playing basketball is fantastic that I feel no worries especially when I am not pissed. As I play, I control my emotions and I just play the best that I can. Sometimes, there is a feeling that I think I can do things myself but not so far as with others. Basketball is a team play unless I play 1-on-1. The game is exciting however painful and tiresome but it is worth it when I play a good game whether we win or lose.

These are some of my abilities that I need to develop more and I know there are more, still, avenues that can widen my talents, abilities and others. Hopefully I can share this with others. The more that we share the more others share to us. However, let us not think of what we can gain but what we can contribute to the world and to others. Let us be thankful of what God has given us and propagate it as possible. Life is more than we can think of. Avenues and chances are so many. We just need to choose what is good for us and for others. To end, let us make the world the most of what we’ve got.


I Don’t Know Why From All Things, But Numbers?

by Karl P. Bolivar


Gifts from above are a blessing that we must use. But for using it, it depends upon us in what ways we use it wither if it is wisely or not, negative or positive, or, good or bad.

I thank God for being there and giving me the ability to make Mathematics easy for me. It feels like fulfilling in me to solve the solution of the given problem. If not, it disturb my mind that I can’t focus on the things which I am supposed to do and many solution came up in my mind that have possibility to solve the problem. It feels like drugs that so addicting. I can’t resist myself from doing those things. Mathematics for me is a challenge that needs to solve in order to jump on the other and it triggers my mind to be logical to arrive on the solutions.

Since in my elementary, I like math. I don’t know why it is so. From all of my subjects, it is where I pay more attention to. In fact, I got low grades in all grading in this subject but it casts my sleepiness on the class. I am attentive in this class. It requires me to work my mind. Even though I have low scores on the quizzes and exams, I like math. Sometimes I ask myself why from all subjects; math is my favorite among all. In my other subjects, I got higher grades compare to my fave one. Sigh. Life really so vague and it is really hard to explain well.

In my high school years, it started for me to excel in the academics. Maybe it is because that I am a late bloomer to grasp the lessons in school. From that moment, I excel in math and it is noticeable because it has a far gap on my other subjects. On quizzes, exams and in the periodical grade, math makes a difference. In that time, I appreciate more math. Because of my enthusiasm and my passion, I studied hard for more in order to gain more. From that, I did not disappoint myself because I had been chosen to be the contestant together with the 1st and 2nd on class to be the participant on the MTAP. I can’t believe at that time to be one of them. Years past, I only dreamt it but it is not really impossible for me to reach it. Just imagine that I’m just on the rank on 8th to 12th on the class but I been chosen. From that time, I tried my best and I studied and review hard in order for us to proceed on the next competition which luckily we reach up to division level. To my surprise also in the division level, my classmate who is 2nd on the class and me proceed on the division level. I can’t believe that I surpass our 1st on the class. For me, it is the one of my greatest achievement in my life.

One possible way why I have high IQ in math, not too much high form other people but high among the other subjects, is that my father is good at it. All my siblings, not included my little sister because she is still grade two from this moment and we can’t determine if she is good at math also, are really good at math. Maybe that is the reason why I need to push myself to strive more so that I can say to myself that I am his son and their brother. I’m happy that I inherit my father’s intelligent because if it is in my mother, I can’t imagine myself here in the seminary. How funny it is, right?

I can’t deny that I’m good at math but for me, it is just a tool to share that’s why in the seminary, I share it to my fellow brothers. For me, it is just a waste if I keep it in myself, right?